How a Financial Gift to Mount Evans Can Help You, Your Friends, and Neighbors
Why should you, a mountain area resident, donate to an organization that you currently don’t benefit from? What is Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice?
Why should you, a mountain area resident, donate to an organization that you currently don’t benefit from? What is Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice?
Every November 11 on Veterans Day, we celebrate those who have served our country for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. At Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice, our clinical care team has received veteran-centric education as part of We Honor Veterans, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs focused on “respectful inquiry, compassionate listening and grateful acknowledgment.” This Veterans Day, We Honor Captain Chester Peek, a 101-year-old World War II Veteran, engineer, author, and antique airplane restorer.
Palliative Care is a type of healthcare for individuals with chronic or progressive illnesses that aims to alleviate symptoms and improve overall quality of life. Services focus on pain and symptom management and allow for curative treatment to also be sought at any point in the prognosis of a serious illness.
Our Palliative Care team provides holistic care by providing physical, emotional, spiritual, and logistical assistance.
My job is to raise funds to make sure the staff at Mount Evans is here to take care of everyone in our community for in-home medical needs whether you are in a car accident, have a serious illness, or need end-of-life hospice care. Last year, our clinical team conducted over 25,000 patient visits across a four-county service area regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. There is a good chance someone near you has received our services. Join me in donating to Mount Evans!”
For the past 40 years the American Physical Therapy Association has promoted physical therapy awareness and recognized physical therapists and physical therapy assistants during National Physical Therapy
Isabelle loves working in the community where she lives. “You can’t go anywhere without somebody stopping you if you wear anything related to Mount Evans. They will say ‘this is what you did for me or this is what you did for my family’. It’s a small world and when this happens you realize how connected everybody is and that you can make such a huge change in somebody’s life and it could be somebody next door. It’s very fulfilling, very rewarding.”
Inspired by her sister’s hospice care experience, Betsy began volunteering her time. “I had only heard good things about Mount Evans when I came to Evergreen years ago. After being on the “inside” for a while now, I can only say that the devotion to patients, the love and compassion shown to all, and the dedication to great care that each and every one here has is totally inspiring. It is so nice to be a small part of something so wonderful.”
We want to thank you for the opportunity to provide in-home health care to the mountain community for over 40 years. Join us for the Wild West Fest, a free, outdoor Community Thank Your Party on Saturday, September 18 from 10 am – 2 pm!
Nancy provides spiritual care, unconditional love, compassionate support, and a listening ear to our patients. “Many people long for someone to truly “hear” and “see” them as they are. Illness and end of life concerns often cause people to reflect on their lives and frequently feel the need to express what they may have long held inside. I share with people that I do not have their answers, but remind them that their answers lie within themselves.”
Of the 181 photos submitted to the 2022 Seasons of Our Mountains Calendar Photo Contest (thank you to everyone who submitted!), the top 25 photos have been selected as finalists. And now we need your help to select the winners!