Education Program - Charting with a Jury in Mind

Education Program: Charting with a Jury in Mind

Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice is hosting a complimentary education program on Charting with a Jury in Mind on Thursday, September 22 at The Vista Golf Course in Golden. The session will be taught by Alan C Horowitz, Esq., RN, Mount Evans’ board member and Of Counsel in the Healthcare practice and a member of the Post-Acute & Long-Term Care industry team for Arnall Golden Gregory.

Joe and Cathy Wise

Mount Evans Means Compassion

Helpful. Caring. Thoughtful. Thorough. Patient. Compassionate. Those are the words that come to mind for Joe and Cathy Wise of Morrison when they think of Joe’s care team from Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice.

View from Ginny and Howard Morton's home

Mount Evans Means…Everything

Howard and Ginny Morton have lived in their own “heaven on earth” for the past 30 years in Pine Junction. “This 10 acres, this house, this view,” explains Howard, “When we moved here in 1980, I promised Ginny I’d buy her a mountain.” Ginny recalls with a laugh, “I’ve always wanted to live in the mountains. I’d only visited them once or twice with my parents, but it just involved me the rest of my life. I’ve got to go live in the mountains, so here we are.”

Doug Spencer, Past Board Chair - Our Heart is in the Home

Doug Spencer

“In my experience, it’s rare to find an organization where 100% of the team is so passionately committed to the work of the organization and that is just remarkable. When we bring that passion, the commitment, the kindness, the care—that has an impression on people. We work for the community, we serve the community, and we’re supported by the community. and I just think that’s the heartbeat of Mount Evans and our mountain community.”


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