The Will To Walk

The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other is one of those things that most of us take for granted. It’s not until we are faced with the prospect of losing this ability or having to relearn it that we realize how it important it is to our health, happiness and independence.

A Mother’s Love Runs Strong

“She was our life, our joy, our hearts,” explains Gil Schaenzle, Anna’s mom. “Anna was the whole package … intelligent, beautiful and athletic. She had a big heart and was generous. I always felt humbled that God had chosen me to be her mom.”

Close-up image of two people holding hands in a room with bright sunlight filtered through the window

The Top 10 Hospice Myths

A lot of myths are just harmless fiction, simple fables recited because they sound like truth. Unfortunately, few topics are more clouded by myths than hospice. Believing those tales can prevent the dying and their loved ones from experiencing the valuable and positively life-altering benefits that hospice care brings.


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