Mount Evans Ranked in the Top 5% of Home Health Care Agencies Nationwide
It is awards season in Hollywood, and millions of Americans are tuning in to celebrate the very best in music, television and cinema. What millions of Americans may not know is that it is also awards season in the health care industry, and Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice has once again been recognized as a standout performer in the field of home health care. In partnership with DecisionHealth, ABILITY Network has just released its prestigious 2018 HomeCare Elite rankings and named Mount Evans among the country’s Top 500 home health care agencies out of national home health care cast of 10,000.
While being ranked in the top 5 percent of the nation’s 10,000 home health care agencies may not be as glamorous as taking home a Golden Globe, we hope you’ll find it almost as exciting as an Emmy. Mount Evans’ selection as a Top 500 HomeCare Elite agency reflects the very high standards of excellence we practice in every aspect of our work and it also promises you the very highest quality of care.

In identifying the country’s leading home health care organizations, ABILITY Network and DecisionHealth scrutinized over 10,000 providers with a fine-toothed comb, strictly grading each one’s performance on everything from quality of care, to quality improvement, to best practices implementation and financial management. While I’m pleased to report that Mount Evans scored extremely well in all of those categories, I’m even more gratified to say that we received consistently favorable reviews from our most important audience – our patients. Although it is professionally satisfying to know that a nationally respected panel of experts has found Mount Evans to be medically and fiscally exceptional, it’s personally rewarding to know that we have earned the people’s choice award from our beloved mountain community.
So how does a small, community-based nonprofit outshine the better part of 10,000 mostly larger, commercial organizations? The answer is in our stars, an unsurpassed clinical team that includes experienced nurses; physical, occupational and speech therapists; social workers and certified nurse assistants (CNAs) who work in close concert with our community physicians to provide a high-quality experience for our patients while striving for the best outcomes possible. Our highly trained clinicians live in the same community as the people they serve, caring not so much for clients as for friends. Ask any one of our staff and they’ll tell you their work with Mount Evans is less a job than a privilege.
We also have a number of directors working tirelessly behind the scenes to inspire and motivate our clinical team to exceed performance measures. I’d like to shine a spotlight on the starring roles played by Keri Jaeger, director of clinical services; Terry Ritter, manager of nursing and CNAs; Isabelle Comina, therapy services manager; and Kristy Plenter, manager of support services and outreach, in making Mount Evans a nationally recognized leader in home health care. Hundreds of our patients and their families will tell you that a special mention must be paid to our chaplain, Nancy Nelson, who whole-heartedly devotes herself to treating the spiritual ills that so often attend ailments of the body.
As president and CEO of Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice, I’m deeply proud of the high quality care we provide. I’m even more proud that we’ve been able to provide that high quality of care over many, many years. I’ve often said that maintaining excellence is far more difficult than achieving it and, at the risk of sounding immodest, this isn’t our first walk down HomeCare Elite’s red carpet.
Mount Evans has been awarded HomeCare Elite status in 9 of the last 13 years since the rankings began, a first-tier designation placing us in the top 25 percent of the nation’s 10,000 home health care providers. Within that honorable assembly, Mount Evans has earned Top 500 billing in five of the last six years, and has risen to the Top 100 rank three times during a single four-year span. While individually those awards represents a signal achievement for a small nonprofit like Mount Evans, which serves an aging clientele over a vast and vertical four-county region, together they’re even more impressive. Of the 10,000 home health care organizations considered annually for HomeCare Elite status, only a dozen can match our reliable record of success. By the stringent standard of sustained excellence, Mount Evans stacks up in the nation’s Top 10.
I’d like to think that if ABILITY Network was the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences we might just get the nod for “Best Picture,” which in our case would be the picture of health. I’m absolutely certain that the Oscar for “Best Supporting Actor” would go to you, our friends and neighbors. It’s your generosity that sustains us, your kindness that inspires us, and your charitable donations that help us continue bringing help, hope and healing to people and families in the mountain communities surrounding Mount Evans.
Since nobody likes a long-winded acceptance speech, let me wrap it as neatly as I know how. All of us at Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice are proud to have once again been awarded HomeCare Elite status, and honored to have been chosen from among 10,000 home health care organizations as a Top 500 provider. Even more than that, though, we’re humbled by the strength and goodness of our hometown fans who each day help us rise to the occasion, and ever grateful for the opportunity to serve the community we love.