Nancy Nelson, Spiritual Care Coordinator/Chaplain - Our Heart is in the Home

Nancy Nelson

Nancy provides spiritual care, unconditional love, compassionate support, and a listening ear to our patients. “Many people long for someone to truly “hear” and “see” them as they are. Illness and end of life concerns often cause people to reflect on their lives and frequently feel the need to express what they may have long held inside. I share with people that I do not have their answers, but remind them that their answers lie within themselves.”

Matt Whitesides - Our Heart is in the Home

Matt Whitesides

Matt loves helping people. And for the past year, he’s been helping our patients begin their care at Mount Evans. “It’s my job to make sure the patient is seen by one of our clinicians within 48 hours depending on their care needs. The best moments are when a patient says ‘thank you for taking care of us so quickly.’ I know that I’ve done my best to get someone the help they need, and I go home happy.”

Sallie Wandling, Senior Director of Camp Comfort

Sallie Wandling

As the founder of Camp Comfort, Sallie knows that the key to camp is that children can look around and realize, ‘I’m not alone in my grief.’ “Seeing children evolve and open up during their weekend grief journey is amazing. The hugs, the conversation, and the smiles are worth everything. To provide such a safe and fun place where a child can be silent or crying in a support group and then be joyful when they are participating in an activity is truly heartwarming. Camp Comfort is simply a part of my heart.”

Karen Schutt, RN Volunteer - Our Heart is in the Home

Karen Schutt

After more than 50 years working as a Registered Nurse, 12 of them for Mount Evans, Karen sees her volunteer work at Mount Evans as part of her ministry to the Evergreen community. “My experience and knowledge as an RN is used to support our palliative care team. I make phone calls to patients and providers and obtain necessary documentation so our nurse practitioners and social workers can stay focused on our patients. Through phone calls with patients, I can help them understand their illness and support them regarding their life choices. It’s an honor to serve my community.


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