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The Mount Evans Angel
You Can Support Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice by Purchasing One of Our Mountain-Made Gifts
Beginning in early September, a unique group of volunteers called the Angel Makers began gathering twice a week at Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice, just as they have each year since 1993. They are working on a very special project—the Mount Evans Angel.
Each angel comes with a recognition card and is packaged in a cellophane bag with ribbon. Shipping boxes are available, and Mount Evans will ship angels on request.
The 2024 Book of Angels
Some angels are purchased in honor or in memory of someone. If you’ve purchased an angel in honor or in memory of a loved one and would like their name added to this list, please let us know by calling 303-674-6400 or emailing us at
In Honor of
Wendy Allan honored by Cindy Peterson
Karen Baier, my dear friend, honored by Cindy Peterson
Becky Berry honored by “Mom” Cindy Peterson
Joyce Blubaugh, my dear friend, honored by Cindy Peterson
Jan Haugen, my dear friend, honored by Cindy Peterson
Debbie Kampman honored by “Mom” Cindy Peterson
Carol Peterson, sister & friend, honored by Cindy Peterson
Joel Peterson, my loving brother-in-law, honored by Cindy Peterson
Jolene & Joel, my loving sister & brother, honored by Cindy Peterson
Amy Phelps, my dear friend, honored by Cindy
Claire Westover honored with love by Grandma Schade and Grandpa Ratekin
In Memory of
Bobbie Belcher remembered by Ron & Sue Powell
Joyce Bernhardt remembered by Jane Soerries and Stephanie Byers
Arlene Camper remembered by Ron & Sue Powell
Sandra L. Canapa remembered by David Otto
Rita Ann Forst remembered by Ron & Sue Powell
Bob Gietl remembered by Tammie Gietl and Priscilla and Mike OLeary
Dad, Roger & Gordon remembered by Mom with Love
David Earl Keller remembered by Cheryl O’Toole
Bill Kimball remembered by Mary & Jerry Parker
Joanne Leherhous remembered by Bob & Donna Harisch
John & Moby Lord remembered by Kris Hallquist
Amy Minor remembered by Marty Unger
Laurie Olson remembered by Sondra Inman
Mildred Keck Olson remembered by Sondra Inman
Ruthann Ortner remembered by The Grube Family
Ruthann Ortner remembered by Jennifer, Dan, Sarah, and Johnny Grube
Gerald Peterson remembered by Sondra Inman
Gerry Peterson remembered by his loving wife Cindy
Charlie Robinson remembered by Kathleen Robinson
Chelsea Seymore remembered by Marcus, Jennifer & Dustin
Sherry remembered by Cathy & John Pfieff
Jessica Sloan remembered by Ron & Sue Powell
Betty Ann Smith remembered by Ron & Sue Powell
Michael Stull remembered by Marcia & Fred Peak
David Tucker remembered by Gretchen Donisi
Darla Jean Wilson, mother of Carrol Rhea’s remembered by Bridget
It would be impossible to recognize the more than 70 women who worked on the Mount Evans Angel in a single story or photograph, but we are grateful to each of them. We asked three angel makers to share their story in a special article that was featured in the October 2019 edition of Colorado Serenity magazine.

The Women Who Make the Mount Evans Angel Possible
Many Angel Makers have a knack for crafts. Many others are new to the arts of fabric and fringe. Each is an essential thread in the 2019 Mount Evans Angel, and all of them are pleased to apply their time and talents in service to their neighbors.
The Mount Evans Angel
The 2024 Mount Evans Angels are on sale now! They will be available for pick-up and shipping mid to late November.
We’re also selling 2023 Mount Evans Angels at a discounted rate of $10 each.
The Angel Project is a special way to remember loved ones during the holiday season. Each year, a group of volunteers known as the “Angel Makers” gather in a quilting bee-like atmosphere to lovingly handcraft these unique holiday decorations. You may keep the angel as a memento, or you may request that the angel be sent to another person as a gift. Each angel comes with a recognition card and is packaged in a cellophane bag with ribbon.
- 2024 Mount Evans Angel $30.00
Proceeds from all Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice holiday gifts will support in-home medical, hospice, and support services for residents in the mountain communities of Jefferson, Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Park counties, regardless of their ability to pay.
- 2023 Mount Evans Angel $10.00
Proceeds from all Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice holiday gifts will support in-home medical, hospice, and support services for residents in the mountain communities of Jefferson, Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Park counties, regardless of their ability to pay.