Support Groups and Counseling

Specially Trained Therapists and Volunteers are Matched According to an Individual’s Specific Needs favicon

Support Services and Bereavement Counseling

Our professionally trained and licensed social workers offer comprehensive emotional support services to assist family members and caregivers with issues of loss and illness. Mount Evans’ program includes: individual counseling; support/educational groups; one-on-one pairings with a trained bereavement volunteer; educational programs for the community; and Camp Comfort, a summer camp for grieving children.

Individual Counseling and Referrals

Mount Evans’ social workers are trained in coping, grief, and loss issues. We provide short-term counseling to individuals.

Bereavement Volunteers

Specially trained clinicians and volunteers are matched according to an individual’s specific needs and provide supportive care by telephone, through our support groups, or with individual/family counseling as indicated.

All of our support groups are in person. 

If you would be interested in a virtual support group, please contact our Bereavement Program Coordinator Tiffany Pridmore at

Support Groups

Grieving the Death of a Spouse/Partner Support Group

This group explores issues unique to those who have lost a life partner. This session is offered both in-person and virtually.

  • This group meets in-person the second Thursday of every month from 3 pm – 4 pm.
  • In-person at Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice. 
  • Please call 303-674-6400 Telephone number screen link for details on how to connect to the group virtual call / Zoom option.

Adult Grief Support Group

We offer a seven-week grief support group several times a year for adults who have lost a loved one.

  • Our next 7-weeks session will be March 25 – May 6 , every Tuesday from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm.
  • Reservations are required, please call 303-674-6400 Telephone number screen link to sign-up.
  • In-person at Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice.

Adult Child Loss Support Group (in-person)

We offer a seven-week workshop for parents who have lost an adult child. This session is offered in-person.

  • Our next 7-week session will be March 26 – May 7 , every Wednesday from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm.
  • Reservations are required, please call 303-674-6400 Telephone number screen link to sign-up.
  • In-person at Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice.

Caregiver Support Group
(in person)

We offer a monthly support group to give caregivers a place for emotional support, to get help navigating the health care system, and to spend time with others who are walking the same path. The group meets every third Wednesday of every month from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. You can join in person or virtually.

  • Meetings are held at Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice, 3081 Bergen Peak Drive, Evergreen, CO 80439.

Additional Support Groups

Additional support groups are offered throughout the year.

Children's Grief Support


Each child’s grief reaction is very unique and can change depending on the child’s developmental age and the circumstances surrounding the loss. We can help. Please call 303-674-6400 Telephone number screen link for more information.

Camp Comfort

Our award-winning weekend bereavement camp is designed to meet the unique needs of children ages 6 to 12 who are grieving the death of a family member or friend. Grief workshops are balanced with recreational activities so children feel free to have fun and just be kids. Visit the Camp Comfort page for more information.

Group of seven school age girls and boys from Camp Comfort sitting in a cricle on a wooden deck along with their camp counselor

Long Term Care Planning

Do you have questions about insurance, Medicare or Medicaid coverage or long-term care planning? Perhaps you need help finding special-needs clothing, equipment, or other services offered in our mountain area. We can help. Our licensed social workers will answer your questions and help you locate available resources. Please call 303-674-6400 Telephone number screen link to arrange an appointment.
Stylized table setting of last will and testament paperwork, a cup of coffee, a pen, reading glasses, and the financial section of a newspaper
Social Workers are Essential logo

March is Social Work Month

“Social work is the art of listening and the science of hope.”

March is the month all America recognizes and celebrates social workers. These caring professionals are trained to help people see and surmount the barriers keeping them from living their optimal lives, whether those obstacles are physical, emotional, financial, systemic or all of the above. And, as the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) describes, “They are employed to effect positive change with individuals, families, groups and entire communities.”

Read More »

Additional Grief Resources

To find additional grief resources on the internet, please refer to the below links:

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