TallGrass Spa and Salon Is Celebrating Its 25th Anniversary with a Healing Mosaic Project to Benefit Mount Evans
October 7, 2020

You don’t have to be an artist to participate in this community-wide event aimed at healing, you just have to have heart. As a health care organization that is dedicated to healing the mind, body and spirit of mountain residents when they need help the most, we are honored to be the beneficiary of TallGrass Spa’s Healing Hearts Art Project.
Gail Sharp is the owner of TallGrass Spa and Salon and a dedicated Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice Board Member. We asked her to share her inspiration for the project along with all the details you need to know in order to participate.
Dear Mountain Community,
What you focus on grows. And so, during this insanely difficult time, I’m turning to a word that we at TallGrass know all too well – Healing.
Man-oh-man, do we need healing in this world and especially in our country right now! Healing. From Covid-19 that’s causing businesses to fail, putting people out of work, making them sick, and causing them to die. Healing. From wildfires destroying thousands of acres, countless homes, and livelihoods in the west. Healing. From hurricanes ravaging the south and east. Healing. From racial tensions with police and each other. Healing. From our divisive political climate and misinformation and negativity on social media.
That’s a tall order for healing. But we can do it.
To begin, we invite you to join us in a healing project that’s also a celebration of TallGrass’s 25th anniversary this year. We’re putting together a community-participation art installation based on symbols of healing: your versions of hearts. We have hundreds of 4″ x 4″ wood blocks on which you can paint, draw or otherwise create your version of a healing heart.
The goal is to have at least 250 pieces of art-imbued with healing energy. When we are done, we will put them all together on a huge panel. Our hope is that our healing energy will resonate through our community, and the world.
Of course, in the true spirit of TallGrass, we are doing this to help support something that we truly believe makes the world a better place. All donations go to Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice which provides care, love and healing as people face their greatest challenges.
The donation for a 4″ x 4″ block is $10 if you pick it up at TallGrass, $15 if you would like TallGrass to mail it to you, or $20 if you want paint and brushes to go with your block. Please return all blocks to TallGrass Spa or Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice by November 1 so that we can begin assembly of the community collaborative art installation. There will be dropoff boxes located at both TallGrass and Mount Evans where you can leave your hearts outside of business hours.
When complete, this mosaic will be auctioned or donated so that the community can enjoy our creation.
We can’t wait to see your heart-art!
For more information please call or email 303.670.4444 | info@tallgrassspa.com.