Physical Therapist
Like many of her coworkers, Christie Smith wanted to work in the mountain community where she lives. She joined Mount Evans as a physical therapist two years ago.
“I love the mountains, I’m grateful to live here and treat the patients who live here as well,” says Christie. “There’s a common belief of how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place, but with that comes other difficulties of physically of living here. I understand that and strive to allow for people to stay in these beautiful mountains.”

Christie helps patients address their flexibility, strength and balance. This can be as simple as getting out of bed or a chair, working on walking safely with our without assistive devices, or all the way to walking in their yard and the mountain terrain we live in. Christie is also experienced at addressing pain – through exercises, emotional support and education.
“I enjoy returning patients to ‘real life’, the ability to stand, walk, and not worry as much about falling. Returning independence back to the patient when possible is one of the most rewarding and I believe empowering things you can give someone.”
Christie believes Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice goes above and beyond to the make sure patients get the treatment and care they need. She’s a big of part of that extraordinary care. She’s grateful for the autonomy and support she receives that enables her to help patients thrive.
“I was treating a patient who had been living in the lower level of her home for months. When we started she had stated she hadn’t been upstairs in so long – all her family photos and even the kitchen was upstairs. I remember the day I told her we were doing those stairs, she couldn’t believe it. There was no way she could do that. But she did – and the excitement of the achievement and just realizing she could have access to her whole home instead of being confined to the basement. It seems like such a little thing – but again the ability to see people’s potential and give them their independence back when they think it’s gone – what a feeling.”
To learn more about why Our Heart is in the Home, click here.